While creating an account using your email address is the preferred method, you can alternatively link your Facebook account to iWin using the information below.
- First, make sure you are signed in to the Facebook account that you would like to use
- Click the 'Sign In' link in the upper right corner of the iWin website
- Click on 'I'm a New Customer' on the 'Sign In' page
- Click on the blue 'Continue with Facebook' button
- A prompt will ask if you would like to allow activity from iWin
- Click on the blue 'Continue' button
- Another prompt will ask about off-Facebook activity, please read through the information and choose 'Not now', or 'Turn on'. Either choice will allow you to continue
- A third prompt will appear of iWin asking for access to use your name, profile picture & email address from Facebook. Click 'Continue as' to finish the iWin/Facebook linking process
If you've already created an account using your email address, you still link your Facebook account to iWin. Instructions on how to do so can be found HERE.